How to lead effective change and adoption in customer success


Webinar speaker


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Your customers buy your software to make improvements in their business results. To get those desired outcomes, it requires users to change what they’re doing (the old way) to what we want them to do (the new way). But change is difficult, and people naturally resist it. Simply adopting new daily routines also takes time, effort, and patience. How can you be more effective in helping your customers navigate this challenge?

This webinar describes the human process of change and how new habits form. We’ll share the latest scientific theories on behavioral modification and the unique role you can play to add more value to your customers. You’ll also discover new ways to measure and track adoption every step of the way using new tools and technology.

Key takeaways:

  • Understanding the Significance of Software Adoption for Business Results and Customer Success
  • Acknowledging Customer Challenges during Change Management and New Routine Adoption
  • Utilizing the ADKAR Model and Evaluating the Time to Attain Value
  • Exploring the Psychological Aspects of Human Change and Resistance to Aid Effective Transition
  • Diving into Churn360 Metric for Comprehensive Adoption Tracking
  • Gaining Practical Insights and Actionable Steps for Enhanced Customer Onboarding and Long-Term Success

About the speaker:

Ed Powers has been improving customer experiences for the past twelve years, both as consultant and practitioner. He helps organizations make breakthrough improvements in customer loyalty by addressing why customers leave—and why they stay. His specialties include neuroeconomics, analytics, and continuous improvement.

He has 36 years of senior leadership experience in operations, management consulting, quality, sales, and marketing. He is Principal Consultant at Service Excellence Partners, an independent firm specializing in Customer Experience and Customer Success operational improvement. He recently served as VP Client Success for InteliSecure, a managed data protection company. Prior to that, he served as VP Customer Success at simPRO, an Australian SaaS provider, helping to launch its U.S. customer operations.

He is a Prosci-certified Change Management Practitioner, an ASQ certified Six Sigma Black Belt, and a former Examiner for the Colorado state and national Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

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