Customer Success Myths That Need Busting

Customer Success Myths That Need Busting

Myths are rarely factual statements. Most times, they’re easy to presume, but if left unresolved, they can seriously impact your business and your customers’ satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll be debunking some of the most common customer success myths. We’ll offer valuable insights into how to keep customers happy throughout the customer journey, so they come back for more.

Common customer myths

Myth #1: Customer support is the same thing as customer success

The assumption that customer support and customer success are the same is the most pervasive misapprehension. Customer success is tasked with proactively identifying what success means to customers, while customer support provides aid to customers as needed.

While customer support and customer success contribute to customer satisfaction and retention, they differ in approach and focus. Where customer support is reactive, responding to issues as they arise, customer success is more proactive, helping customers achieve their goals and preventing problems from occurring in the first place.

So, are customer support and customer success the same thing? No! However, they must be in perfect synchrony to help deliver an amazing customer experience.

Read more: A detailed comparison between Customer Success and Customer Support

Myth #2: You can save every user from churning

Though it’s a bitter pill to swallow, not all users can be saved from churning for various reasons. Some of these reasons may include dissatisfaction with the product, a change in personal circumstances or preferences, or competition.

In addition, some users may lose interest in your product over time or be influenced by external factors beyond the company’s control.

The truth is, not every customer is good for your business. Some customers do not need to be on board because they are unsuitable for business. If a customer doesn’t fit your target audience, churning them from your customer base is not necessarily wrong.

 Customer Success challenges

Customer success is actually about customer satisfaction and deriving value from your products. And if they are not, they will eventually churn.

Read more: Top 4 Reasons Why Customers Churn and What To Do About It

Myth #3: High product usage translates into customer retention

Does a product’s use automatically mean customer retention? Absolutely Not! While product usage is crucial, the correlation may seem obvious; however, it is more complex.

For example, a customer may use a product frequently because it’s the only option available or because they’re committed to a long-term contract. In these cases, a customer may not be particularly satisfied with the product but feel obligated to keep using it.

Also, a customer may be influenced to switch products due to external factors, such as a change in their circumstance or a new product being introduced in the market. So, while high product usage may indicate customer satisfaction, it doesn’t necessarily translate into customer retention.

Alternatively, product usage data should serve as a guide to uncovering friction points and where improvement is needed. Ask questions such as: Why are my customers utilizing my products/services every day?” What features are habitually used? Are my customers acquiring maximum value from the use of the products?

You’ll get the panoramic perspective of your customers’ needs from the answers.

Myth #4: Customer Success is the responsibility of the customer success team

A customer’s success is not solely the responsibility of the customer success team. It involves the effort, collaboration, and contributions of multiple organizational departments or individuals.

While the customer success team might play a major role in ensuring customer satisfaction, they cannot be solely responsible for every aspect of it.

Ideally, the customer success team should work in collaboration with support, sales, and product, as well as the marketing department. For example, the sales team is solely responsible for relating to the customer and getting them to see the value of it, while the customer support team is tasked with helping them solve issues.

Overall, customer success is a collaborative effort that cannot be handled by the customer success team alone. Instead, the customer success team is responsible for gathering, handling, supervising, and evaluating several important metrics, such as net promoter score, customer churn rate, customer lifetime value, etc., to ensure a successful customer journey.

Myth #5: Every customer desire can be fulfilled

You can’t entirely wipe off dissatisfaction from the slate of a business. A customer who is not in tandem with the company’s goal will not have his desire fulfilled. Customers with irrational requests are best left with their theatrics. At times, customer success means saying no to a customer without any animosity or ill feelings.

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Myth #6: Customer success is only for SaaS products:

It would be inaccurate to think customer success is solely for Saas companies. As long as every business wants the satisfaction of its customers, it is necessary for every business to ensure customer success. Every business needs customers to thrive, and customer success ensures the satisfaction of these customers.

Furthermore, customer success applies to every business since it results in customer retention and revenue generation.

Myth #7: Zero complaints means high customer satisfaction:

This is absolutely a misguided notion. No company is flawless. The absence of complaints should be alarming. The preponderance of unhappy customers simply quietly leaving showcases their passive customer power. Zero complaints are not always a determinant of high customer satisfaction.


If you believe any of these myths, we hope this article has clarified them for you. Now that these myths have been demystified, the next step is to monitor your customer success to improve customer satisfaction. Opting for a Customer success software will help the customer success team to achieve it.

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