Irit Eizips

Chief Customer Officer & CEO

A thought leader in Customer Success, renowned for shaping methodologies and best practices. Irit's expertise drives companies to optimize customer journeys, earning recognition as a top strategist and influencer since 2013.

Irit Eizips
Irit Eizips
Irit Eizips

Chief Customer Officer & CEO

CSM Practice

Key takeaways

1. How did you get into Customer Success?

In the winter of 2013, I reached out to Jim Eberlin, the founder of JBARA, reconnecting from our days at Host Analytics. Jim shared his startup’s progress and introduced me to the new CEO, Nick Mehta. Shortly after, I joined the company, which later became known as Gainsight, marking the beginning of my journey into the world of Customer Success and the start of an incredible chapter in my professional life.

2. What do you enjoy the most in your role?

As Chief Customer Officer at CSM Practice, I love finding new ways to wow clients and make their experience unforgettable. Going above and beyond isn’t just about meeting expectations; it’s about surprising them in ways they never imagined. Scaling this magic brings endless opportunities for growth, and each happy customer fuels my passion for this journey.

3. What skills do you believe someone excellent in CS should possess?

In my journey as a customer success pro, I’ve found vital skills for thriving: clear communication, building trust through authenticity, navigating emotions with empathy, adaptability in all situations, staying curious for continuous learning, proactive anticipation of needs, efficient organization of priorities, and data analysis for smart decisions benefiting both customer and company.

4. How important do you think CS is for an organization?

Customer Success (CS) is vital for business growth. Studies reveal a 5% increase in customer retention can spike profits by 25% to 95%. Neglecting CS leads to higher churn, lower customer value, and missed upselling opportunities. Without a robust CS strategy, firms struggle with feedback and meeting customer needs. In today’s competitive arena, where acquiring new customers is expensive, CS is indispensable for long-term success.

5. What are your predictions for the direction of CS and CS platforms in 2024, given the increasing prevalence of AI?

In 2024, AI integration will revolutionize Customer Success, boosting productivity. AI streamlines processes, meeting summaries, team role-play, and success plans, allowing CS teams to focus on high-value activities. Explore free AI tools on sites like Easy With AI and Top AI Tools Tools for enhanced operations and customer engagement strategies.

6. What tips do you have for anyone looking to enter CS?

For those aspiring in Customer Success (CS), gaining knowledge is key. Networking and mentorship offer insights and opportunities. Stay updated on CS trends. Explore my YouTube playlists for interview preparation and further understanding.

7. How can individuals seeking a job in CS go about it? Anyrecommended forums/events?

For those seeking CS jobs, research hiring companies, polish your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn. Use LinkedIn and job boards to connect with employers. In interviews, be punctual and show company knowledge. Explore CS communities like Customer Success Network and OUTCOMES. Consider CS classes and certifications for enhancement.

8. What are some of the key challenges in the field of CS youhave faced and what helped you overcome it?

One challenge in Customer Success is maintaining high standards due to resource constraints. I rely on a network of CS executives for advice and support. My client advisory board helps prioritize initiatives. Learning from clients and my podcast enriches my approach to overcoming challenges.

9. Who are your mentors or individuals you look up to in CS?
Irit mentors

Additionally, The CSM Practice advisory board’s profoundly shaped my growth. Their insights and guidance inspired continuous improvement in my practice, crucial for navigating the complexities of CS.

10. Your favourite book?

Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell

Irit favourite book
11. Your favourite pastime?

My favorite pastime blends relaxation and productivity. I enjoy chilling with my husband, watching TV, and hanging out with friends for karaoke or coffee catch-ups. I also love working on my business in cozy coffee shops, finding balance and fulfillment in leisure and focus.

12. Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’m passionate about my coaching business, helping software companies embrace customer success. My goal is to assist 1,000 companies in adopting these practices for sustainable growth. This mission drives me daily, dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the world of customer success within the next 10 years.

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