Bhavika Kochhar


A passionate advocate for customer empowerment, success-driven strategies, and building and supporting the community, organizing meetups, and always staying open to learning.

Bhavika Kochhar
Bhavika Kochhar
Bhavika Kochhar


CS Ladies

Key takeaways

1. How did you get into customer success?

Transitioning from account management to Customer Success was a natural step for me as I realized my passion for the role. Starting as an account manager, I gained valuable insights into both roles, ultimately deciding that Customer Success aligned more with my strengths and interests. 

2. What do you enjoy the most in your role?

As a Customer Success Manager, I cherish forming connections inside and outside the company. Meeting new people, learning, and building relationships truly excite me in this role.

3. What skills do I believe someone excellent in CS should possess?

Empathy and communication, These skills are essential for understanding customer emotions, bridging internal and external interactions, and ensuring customer success.

4. How important do I think CS is for an organization?

Customer success (CS) is essential for organizations, and goes beyond retaining customers—it nurtures relationships, fosters loyalty, encourages referrals, driving growth through satisfied customers who become advocates for your brand.

5. What are your predictions for the direction of CS and CS platforms in 2024, given the increasing prevalence of AI?

AI complements rather than replaces humans, especially in customer success. It simplifies tasks, aiding managers in enhancing customer success through digitization, a trend I foresee in 2024.

6. What tips do you have for anyone looking to enter CS?

In mentoring job seekers for customer success roles, I emphasize the importance of patience. Stay committed, keep learning, and persistently pursue opportunities while staying connected with your network.

7. How can individuals seeking a job in CS go about it? Any recommended forums/events?

For those pursuing customer success (CS) roles, involves a strong resume, cover letter, and networking. Genuine connections, recommendations, and patience are crucial, aided by platforms like LinkedIn for global opportunities and resources.

8. What are some of the key challenges in the field of CS you have faced and what helped you overcome it?

The main challenge for a Customer Success Manager lies in the product adoption phase, To address this, I maintain regular touchpoints, offer demos, and education, and gather feedback for customer satisfaction and product enhancement.

9. Who are your mentors or individuals you look up to in CS?

Jay Nathan. He’s one of my best mentors. He’s been there as a guide, and I respect the way. Of course, he guides me, and he understands me. I’m so blessed that I have him around.

Jay Nathan
10. Your favourite book?

So my favorite book is ikigai. I think that’s a very interesting book because that really tells where does your happiness lie, right? Life is racing. There are so many things that are happening around us, but then we need to understand where does our heart lie, right? And that’s what the entire life is all about. So I think that book really excites me.

11. Your favourite pastime.

My favorite pastime is actually just resting. It’s not an activity. It’s about giving rest to yourself, to your mind, to your heart.That, okay, you just need to rest for some while. I think pastime should be that way wherein it is more rejuvenating. It’s relaxing. So I give time to myself. I relax, I sleep. I just rest. Going to the next question.

12. Anything else that I like to add?

I’ll say that customer success as a space is evolving. Lots of new stuff is coming into the picture—things like digital customer success and then customer success operations. So stay tuned to all of these new things coming into this space.

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