Customer satisfaction score

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What is customer satisfaction score (CSAT)?

The Customer Satisfaction Score, also known as CSAT Score, is used by companies to measure customer satisfaction after a particular interaction or over a period of time. It shows how loyal customers are to your product and whether they will repurchase it. By understanding your customers’ expectations, you can segment them based on their needs, feelings, and sentiments about your brand or products.

How to measure customer satisfaction score

A CSAT score can be calculated easily. Positive responses are summed up, divided by total responses, and multiplied by 100. As a result, you will have an idea of the overall satisfaction rate of your customers.

CSAT score based on 20 positive responses out of 30 total responses is 66% (20 positive responses / 30 total responses =66 x 100 = 66%).

Despite a majority of people being satisfied with your product, there is still much that can be improved.

In the example below, the calculations are pulled from a survey. From the total number of responses, take the number of positive (5 – 7) responses.

It’s an easy way to determine whether or not a customer interaction was effective in producing happiness, which is one of the advantages of the Customer Satisfaction Score calculator.

It’s easy to pinpoint the moment when the experience wasn’t satisfactory and take action to remedy it. Using Customer Satisfaction Score, you can also track customer satisfaction across the entire customer lifecycle

Formula for customer satisfaction scores

Customer Satisfaction Scores formula

In other words, a CSAT rating of 80% indicates that most customers are satisfied.

Example of SaaS customer satisfaction score calculation

An example will help you understand what a Customer Satisfaction Score survey looks like. If you were the property management company, you would want to know the type of information a resident would provide after requesting maintenance.

In this example, the scale ranges from “Poor” to “Excellent”. Although it may seem simple, the responses collected can mean different things depending on which components are most prevalent.

The residents who respond with a rating on the higher end, such as “Good” or “Excellent”, are considered evangelists. They were satisfied with their maintenance staff’s ability to meet their expectations, resolve their problem, and resolve their complaints. As well as sharing what went exceptionally well, residents can become word-of-mouth advocates and encourage others who are looking for a reliable apartment.

Detractors, on the other hand, are those who gave ratings such as “Poor,” “Fair,” or “Average.” People who reported negative experiences with maintenance are referred to as detractors. In the survey, each aspect of the visit was listed, so the resident could tell the company what went wrong.

The results of enough surveys can serve as a guide for addressing areas that need to be improved. Additionally, rather than focusing on isolated or uncommon events, it’s important to assess your CSAT over time.


It is possible to get a sense of your customers’ attitudes toward your SaaS by looking at the CSAT score. If you don’t know what to look for, it can be confusing. Hopefully, this guide helped you understand what a good SaaS CSAT score looks like.


Customer satisfaction score
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