Measuring Customer Experience with Surveys: Key Metrics and Analysis

It’s no secret that customers with a positive experience are likely to become lifelong users of your product or service. While the reverse is the case for customers with a negative experience. So, how do you track how your customer experience with surveys feel about your brand to ensure they have the desired experience?

The answer is simple: investing in their customer experience with surveys. With a customer experience survey, you can increase retention and reduce churn. Here’s a detailed guide to measuring customer experience with surveys, including the top survey types available.

What is a customer experience survey?

When customers interact with your company, they go through different stages, from the initial contact to the point of purchase. So, how do you stay updated on their experiences across various touchpoints? That’s where a customer experience survey comes in.

A customer experience survey is designed to capture the emotions a customer feels about your brand, product, or service at various touchpoints during their customer journey. With it, you can track how your customers feel about your product from the first moment they visit your website to the moment they sign up for a monthly subscription, and then how they can become repeat customers.

Using a reliable Customer feedback tool helps you measure customer experience with surveys at every point, which is instrumental in building a product that keeps your customers happy. With this, you can drive effective customer retention, identify those customers that can become brand promoters or advocates, and gather relevant data to make informed decisions about your product or service.

Customer experience survey types

There are several customer experience survey types for gaining critical insight into your customers at various touchpoints. However, your choice depends on what point of the customer lifecycle you would like to monitor. Here are three key customer experience survey types: Net promoter score (NPS) survey Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) survey Customer effort score (CES) survey

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys

The Net Promoter Score is a standard loyalty metric that millions of businesses use to collect customer feedback at various touchpoints. With NPS, you can determine the loyal customers who are satisfied with your product rather than risk moving towards a competitor, as yours meets all their immediate and future needs.

This category of customers also happily recommends your brand to others. The Net Promoter Score stands out because it can be determined with only one question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?”

How is NPS calculated?

The NPS is measured on a scale of 0 -10 and categorized into three categories: Detractors: Customers who respond with scores from 0-6 are classified as detractors. Their response shows they would not recommend your brand to a friend or colleague. Passives: Customers who respond with scores of 7 or 8 reveal that they are moderately satisfied with your brand. However, they won’t actively recommend your brand to others. Promoters: This category of customers responds with 9 or 10 on the survey scale, showing they are extremely satisfied with your brand and would willingly recommend it to others.

Using this scale, you can calculate the Net Promoter Score using the formula: (% of promoters) – (% of detractors). The Net Promoter Score is expressed as a figure, not a percentage.

Importance of NPS Surveys

NPS surveys are a quick and easy way to gain valuable customer feedback. It doesn’t require complicated metrics and is an excellent standard for measuring customer loyalty worldwide. With this, you can quickly identify the customers at risk of churning and convert them from detractors and passives to promoters.

How to best analyze and act on the feedback?

The best way to analyze and act on the feedback from NPS surveys is by including one or two clarifying questions for better insight. This way, you won’t just find out how customers feel about your brand.  You’ll also be able to figure out why and how to improve their overall experience. This will also help you make critical product changes in line with customer expectations.

Read more: Best Practices for Net Promoter Score Implementation

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) surveys

What is CSAT?

The Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) uses a numerical or emoji-based scale to measure customers’ experiences. Customer Experience with Surveys after a specific interaction with a product or service. This is common with customer support centers that ask customers to rate their satisfaction with the response to their issues using emojis.

Read more: Important Customer Satisfaction Metrics to Focus upon

How do you calculate CSAT?

The value of the CSAT score can range from 0% to 100%, with smileys indicating very unsatisfied to very satisfied. Satisfied and very satisfied can be classified as “satisfied responses.” Therefore, you can calculate CSAT as the total number of satisfied responses divided by the total responses. This is converted to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

CSAT surveys work even better when used alongside follow-up questions. Open-ended questions like “How can we improve your experience?” will make your survey unique and guide you toward customized customer solutions.

Read more: Top Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys questionnaire

Importance of CSAT Surveys

CSAT surveys are great because they focus on a particular customer interaction. This way, you can immediately tell if a customer had an experience that missed or met their expectations. Using CSAT surveys at crucial moments in the customer lifecycle, such as signup, purchase, or onboarding actions, can help customer success teams quickly assess customer satisfaction and follow up where necessary.

Customer effort score surveys

What is CES?

How seamless are your processes and product flows? One of the best ways to get an accurate answer to this question is to find out directly from your users through the Customer effort score (CES) survey. The CES survey measures. How much effort customers need to perform specific actions with your product or service.

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This could be how long it takes the user of a shopping app to move from searching for products to adding them to a cart. Customers that spend more effort than necessary to use your product will experience friction and are at risk of churning. The CES survey will help you detect this early.

How do you calculate CES?

The formula for calculating CES is similar to that of CSAT. The numbers 4 and 5 represent respondents that rate their effort to interact with your product as low. This set of customers has an effortlessly great experience, which is key for keeping track of loopholes in the product lifecycle.

Importance of CES Surveys

No one wants to spend more energy interacting with products and services than necessary. Giving your customers an effortless and positive experience increases the chances of customer satisfaction and retention. Therefore, brands should keep track of how much effort it takes customers to get the desired result.This information will help identify customer pain points during their user journey.


Customer success depends significantly on how well you can use the different survey types. Monitor the customer journey and satisfaction levels. Here’s a summary of what each type entails:

The Net Promoter Score survey measures brand loyalty and customer willingness to refer others to your product.

On the other hand, customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are more specific. They focus on measuring the  with Surveys after a particular interaction. The valuable information obtained from this survey can be used to measure their overall satisfaction.

Finally, customer effort score (CES) surveys are used to understand how seamless the usage of your product or service is. This is important for gaining insight into the frustrations associated with using your product and how to address them.

An even better way to measure customer experiences with surveys is through customized questions. Churn360 helps you create a seamless and tailored approach to collecting customer feedback to improve their overall experience and boost brand loyalty.

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